该跟上潮流了!一大波优质的MATERIAL DESIGN资源免费下载

2014-11-20    周周


编者按:说了这么久的Material Design,不能半抱琵琶半遮面了,直接来研究高手的作品吧!今天分享一组的设计资源,包括GUI工具包和UI模板,以及1000+图标素材,全都是挑的精品,包你满载而归,来淘宝吧!


  1. 《超全面总结!深聊MATERIAL DESIGN引领的设计趋势》
  2. 《学霸的自学笔记!Material Design设计规范学习心得》

Material Design GUI 资源

Android Lollipop Material Design UI kit


Android 5.0 UI Kit

Android 5.0 UI Kit by Ever Studio

Material Design UI Kit

Material Design UI Kit by UltraLinx

Material Design UI Template & Icons(Sketch专用)

Material Design UI Template & Icons by Kyle Ledbetter

Material Design UI Kit(Sketch专用)

Material Design Inspired Bootstrap UI Kit

Material Design Inspired Bootstrap UI Kit

Material Design UI 模板

Android L Keyboard(Sketch专用)

Android L keyboard by Sander Värv

Android L Kit

Android L Kit by Rasmus Nielsen

Android L Toolbox


Android L Web and Mobile Interface

Android L Web and Mobile Interface by Abhinav Chhikara

Google Inbox Templates

Google Inbox Templates by Abhinav Chhikara

Android Material Design Template

Android Material Design Template by Donart Bytes Selimi

Instagram in Material Design Templates

Instagram in Material Design Templates by Zach Buechler

Material Design 图标资源

Material Design Icons Custom Shape(431 个图标,CSH格式)

Material Design Icons Custom Shape by Taylor Ling

Material Design System Icons (20 个图标,Sketch、PNG)

Material Design System Icons by Walmyr Carvalho

Android L Icon Pack (840 个图标、PNG)

Android L Icon Pack by Icons8

Material Icons Pack(435个图标,Sketch、SVG)

Material Icons Pack by Benjamin Schmidt

Material Design Icon Grid

Material Design Icon Grid by Jiangping Hsu

Material Design Icon Templates (AI)

Material Design Icon Templates by Gabe Will




蓝蓝设计的小编 http://www.lanlanwork.com
