2012-9-23 蓝蓝设计的小编
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Photographs have the power to evoke strong emotions and convey deep feelings. In fact, photography is a wonderful medium to express both enigma and nostalgia using art as a platform.
“Bokeh”, a Japanese term, is basically used to denote “blur”. Ever seen those photos in which the subject is perfectly visible, but the rest of the photograph is blurred? Remember those scenes in movies in which the actress is walking against a myriad of blurry street lights? Yes, you guessed it right! That’s Bokeh for you!
In this article, we bring to you an assortment of some of the best samples of Bokeh photography from all across the internet. So sit back, relax, and enjoy this visual treat!
What do you think of these awesome samples of Bokeh photography? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!